How to get a certificate of authenticity for works made by Yasuo Sumi 鷲見康夫の作品をお持ちになっている方が作品証明書をご希望であれば、お気軽にお尋ねください
To get a certificate of authenticity, the applicant must provide the following documents: 通常は、次の資料がリクエストされます
1) A request form for the certificate of authenticity. The request form will be sent to the applicant by email. 記入された申し込みフォーム1枚(申し込みフォームはメールにて送信されます) 2) 1 photograph of the front of the work 作品の表 写真1枚 3) 1 photograph of the back 作品の裏 写真1枚 4) 1 photograph of the signature (and other particular details if present) サインのアップ写真1枚
LINKS The following galleries and institutes directly cooperated with Yasuo Sumi, and may help the applicant to get a certificate of authenticity ITALY - Pari & Dispari Agency, Reggio Emilia ITALY- Spazio Arte dei Mori, Venice ITALY - Morra Foundation, Naples JAPAN - Gallery Shimanouchi, Osaka |